
Wednesday 3 June 2020

Carry On Up The St Lawrence - Chapter 4 - A Lot Of Shock And A Little Bit Of Awe

Amid a hail of ill-aimed lead, the men of the Canadian Fencibles stood resolute, waiting for the words of command, following the book.......

"Present, fire", and a volley not seen since in North America since the Heights of Abraham, shattered the US infantry and sent it into precipitous retreat.

Brackenreid had no time to gloat. The US rifles were now causing havoc in Pendrick's ranks and a large force of skirmishers were heading down the road toward him. "Bonzo, beat retreat!" he ordered.

Pendrick was wounded, and it was only with great difficulty that what remained of the scouts got off the field. Finally, as Magnum left the routing infantry to lead the Pennsylvania militia forward, the Fencibles turned to their left and marched towards Montreal.

American infantry rout and the militia move towards the road 

American skirmishers swarm along the Montreal road

The Pennsylvania militia exploit the Second Amendment

 The final morale levels, US at the bottom

That was the first Sharp Practice campaign game that Dave and I had fought, and I think we both thoroughly enjoyed it. It brought out all the subtleties of the rules including cards coming out at the right time that enabled  the Fencibles to deliver that final crashing volley, and  having the drummer on hand that extended Brackenreid's command range allowing him to order the scouts off the table.

At the end of the game both sides have a few of men convalescing, with the Americans having 3 men lost and the Canadians two. The volley that devastated the American ranks opened up the morale difference so much that all of the Voltigeurs Canadiens who had been hit were able to be got off the field and immediately "patched up".

Stay tuned for the next instalment..............